Daru Isuru Savings
The Daru Isuru savings accounts were designed specifically for parents who cannot open separate savings account for their children. All that is required, is for the parent or guardian, to open a savings account in their name, with a minimum deposit of Rs 1,000, and a subsidiary account will be opened for the child. A portion of the interest from the parent’s/guardian’s account will be transferred to the child’s account every month, gradually building up saving for the child, as well as the adult.
Benefits and Features
The Daru Isuru savings accounts were designed specifically for parents who cannot open a separate saving account for their children. All that is required, is for the parent or guardian, to open a savings account in their name, with a minimum deposit of Rs 1,000, and a subsidiary account will be opened for the child. A portion of the interest from the parent’s/guardian’s account will be transferred to the child’s account every month, gradually building up saving for the child, as well as the adult.